
Caledonia EnrichED Background Check

Before interacting with a Caledonia EnrichED team member, any person, 18 and over, must have a background check on record with Caledonia Community Schools that is:

  • A Team Coach 

  • A Mentor

  • A Supervisor or in any supervisory role

  • A Volunteer of a Caledonia sponsored event

  • Present at in-home team practices (including, but not limited to spouses and residing family members)

  • An Executive Board Member 

Unless submitted to a CCS secretary for other purposes, background checks must be submitted via the Caledonia EnrichED Background Check Form ANNUALLY following the steps below, at least 2 weeks prior to interacting with students. 

STEP 1: CCS Volunteer Acknowledgement Form

Complete pages 9 & 10 of the CCS Volunteer Acknowledgement Form.

STEP 2 : Photograph the Form & Your License

Use your phone to scan or photograph Pages 9 & 10 of the CCS Volunteer Acknowledgement Form completed in Step 1 ALONG WITH your Driver’s License.

STEP 3: Complete EnrichED Form

Open the Caledonia EnrichED Background Form. Complete it, uploading the copies of your CCS Form and Driver’s License from STEPS 1 & 2.