School News Network

What is School News Network (SNN)?

School News Network is an education based new media outlet that is run through the Kent ISD. If you are not familiar, below is a link to some stories and communications they have run about Caledonia Community Schools (CCS). 

External LinkSchool News Network Website - CCS Feature

Senior makes artistic mark on snowplow

An original painting by Caledonia High School senior Josie Burns will be driving around on the blade of a local snow plow, featuring a message for Michigan drivers.

Initiative aims to double enrollment in career & technical education by 2030

An ambitious county-wide initiative aims to increase the number of students taking classes that teach them career skills and prepare them for the workforce. 

Touched by tragedies, social worker educates families on safe gun storage

Social worker Eunice Benavidez, who’s lost family members to gun violence, talks about a safe gun storage initiative she leads at Kelloggsville Public Schools. 

Whole Brain Teaching is elementary  

Dutton Elementary teachers make learning active by implementing the trademarked strategies in their classrooms to increase engagement and information retention.