
Technology Department

Caledonia Community Schools has a rich tradition of being at the forefront of the use of Technology in our educational programs. Technology rich classrooms support a 21st century learning environment that fosters student critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and engagement. The district provides computing devices to nearly 5,000 students along with special purpose labs for STEM, computer science, desktop publishing, broadcasting, and online learning programs.

The District Technology Department provides support for instructional and administrative technology throughout the school district with a major focus on enhancing teaching and learning through innovative technology solutions. The department is responsible for maintaining the district's infrastructure to provide a secure wired and wireless network, software applications, communications systems, Internet access, audio/video systems, and end user devices.

The Technology Department works collaboratively to ensure we provide a safe, secure, robust, and reliable network to support the students, teachers, and professional support staff of the Caledonia Community Schools District.

Need Technology Support?

Call the Help Desk at extension 7990
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
Email: [email protected]

Available ~ Reliable ~ Relevant

Vision - Available, reliable, and relevant technology that meets the needs of the Caledonia Community Schools mission.

Provide convenient, dependable, and practical technology for educating students and performing school district business. Support technology use to optimize effectiveness.

  • Convenient - readily available and easy to use, accessible 
  • Dependable - constantly works when you need it
  • Practical - usable, meets the needs to solve current challenges, produces benefit