Caledonia High School PSTO

Monthly Minutes Link: 




Donations Page/Flyer Link: 

Donations Page

We meet the 2nd Mondays, twice each semester @ 7:00 p.m. in the media center

9/9 & 10/7, 2/10 & 3/10 Final meeting 6/9

***Please check FB each month to see if we are meeting or not! 

2024/2025 PSTO Board:

President - Kelly Heyboer
Vice President - Melissa Burgess
Treasurer -  Jennifer Putnam
Secretary - Crystal Saidoo

Email: [email protected]

Find us on Facebook: 
External LinkCAL PSTO

The Caledonia High School PSTO is a volunteer group working together to enhance communication and education, while nurturing a positive experience and environment for all at CHS.