Out of District

Thank you for considering Caledonia Community Schools(CCS) for the education of your student(s). On behalf of our 4,500 plus student population, our staff, and our Board of Education, we welcome you and your family. This page is set up to assist families who reside outside of Caledonia, but inside of the Kent Intermediate School District(Kent ISD), and wish to enroll at CCS!

**The Schools of Choice phase 1 window for the 2025-2026 school year opens on April 14, 2025, and closes on May 16, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. Please check back on April 14th for application details.**

School of Choice Information

Thank you for your interest in our Schools of Choice program, which is for students who live outside our district. 

School of Choice Process (When the application window is OPEN):

  • Caledonia Community Schools participates in the Kent Intermediate School District Schools of Choice Programs.  Complete information can be found here.
  • The district will accept eligible students for School of Choice enrollment to the level of total enrollment annually determined by the Board of Education.  At each grade level, if the number of applications exceeds the number of openings, students will be selected by random draw.
  • Students who apply for School of Choice enrollment must have never been expelled from school.
  • Students who apply for School of Choice enrollment must not have been suspended from school (in-school or out-of-school suspension) within the previous two years.
  • In the event that a random draw is necessary, non-accepted students will be placed on a waiting list in the order their names were drawn and notified of openings if a spot should become available, but no later than the first week of school.
  • Siblings of current non-resident students will receive preference if space allows.
  • Transportation is not required to be provided to a non-resident student.  However, CCS will try to accommodate transportation needs. Please contact the Transportation Department, 616-891-0224, to locate the nearest available bus stop for your student(s). 
  • Once a student is accepted, an annual re-application is not required.
School of Choice Process (When the application window is CLOSED):
  • Caledonia does not accept non-resident students outside of the school of choice window with the exception of reuniting families.

Non-Resident Information

Caledonia Community Schools does not accept non-resident students who reside outside of the Kent ISD Boundaries, with the exception of reuniting families.