CHS Student Life

Among the core values of Caledonia Community Schools is that all students should be connected to some sort of extracurricular activity to academically achieve more, and to be generally more successful. Research has shown that students who are involved with different clubs and organizations throughout high school are more likely to graduate college and become leaders in their communities as young adults. Your student is invited to participate in our extracurricular activity program. It is understood that “extracurricular” refers to those activities taking place before or after school. Participation in these activities is voluntary, but you must give permission before your child can participate.

Google FormsClubs and Activities Permission to Participate

AMBY is a mentoring program that matches outstanding high school mentors in a 1:1 relationship with girls at the Intermediate school level (Kraft Meadows) to model responsibility, develop strong character, and create a sense of citizenship to others in the school/community. 

Commitment: 2x per month commitment, after school (early release) on Wednesdays. Training and first meeting in mid October, dates to be shared in invite letter. A total of 9 meetings for the year. Please do not commit if you cannot commit to all 9 meetings. 

Join: By invite only. Contact Mrs. Green at (616) 891-8649 Ext 2501 or [email protected] if you're interested in receiving an invitation. 

Kelly Green (KMIS)

The program includes a four-step Action Plan to Notice, Invite, Challenge and Empower individuals to take action when they or someone they know may be experiencing a change in their mental health. Take it a step further, and be nice. The implementation of BeNICE in schools creates a positive culture and increases mental health referrals and suicide prevention behaviors.

Advisor: Ms. Carter

Location: Room 1704

Frequency: Both Waves of Seminar (every other week)

Caledonia Fighting Scots Boys Volleyball is open to 9th-12th graders. Open gyms start after Christmas Break. Registration opens in late January, early February. 

Advisor: Jeremy Palmitier

Location: South Gym

Practice: Tuesdays and Thursdays after school

Games: 2025 Schedule

We are an affiliate, also known as a Campus Action Network (CAN), of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Visit the NOW website for more information.

We believe that women should control their lives. We believe in equality and social justice. We believe in ending violence and discrimination. NOW is an activist organization that champions feminism and prioritizes securing economic equality, supporting reproductive freedom, opposing racism, fighting for the LGBTQIA+ community, and ending violence against women. If you want to meet like-minded people and work together to discuss and oppose the circumstances that negatively affect your life and the lives of people you care about, then join Cal NOW CAN. Our focus is to discuss the limitations that women experience in our society today, as a gender that has been continually sidelined throughout history. All forms of diversity are welcome and every member will have a voice.

Advisor: Mr. Burghardt

Location: Room 1420

Frequency: Thursdays after school

The Caledonia Pipes and Drums is a school and community partnership that provides Bagpiping instruction to the students of Caledonia High School and the community.  The group performs regularly for our schools and events throughout West Michigan including Art Prize, Frederik Meijer Gardens, WoodTV 8, Muskegon Irish Festival, and much more.

Advisor: Mr. Wellfare

Location: High School Band Room 1505

Frequency: Mondays & Thursdays from 2:45-3:30 PM

WEBSITE: Caledonia Pipes and Drums

Caledonia RAD (officially re-labeled by the REC Foundation as the Aerial Drone Competition) is an exciting challenge presented in the form of a game. 4 Drones made up of 2 Alliances fly around the field to score as many points as possible. The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing alliance.

Advisor: Joachim Hochwarth

Location: Duncan Lake Middle School

Frequency: Tuesdays or Thursdays from 6-7:30

WEBSITE: Caledonia RAD Drone

Cal Speaks is a podcasting club that gives students the opportunity to learn the art of podcasting. From storytelling to interviewing, students get hands on experience with audio equipment. Students get the opportunity to create their own podcast or be a part of the school based show.

Advisor: Mr. Crawley

Location: Digital Media Lab - North Learning Commons

Frequency: Seminar

Caledonia students put on two major theatrical events per year.  The fall drama and the winter/spring musical. Actors as well as stage hands and ushers are needed for both. 

Co-Advisors: Kate Bauer and Jeanette Ruthven

Location: Fine Arts Center (FAC) & Black Box

Frequency: Auditions will be held twice each year. Rehearsals dates and times are posted on the CHS Players website below. 


The Caledonia Debate Club will be meeting during Seminar to debate student chosen topics in student chosen teams. We will also be traveling to Wayland High School this year to compete against teams from other local school districts. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to Mr. Pinder. More information can be found here.

Advisor: Mr. Pinder

Location: Room 2255

Frequency: Meetings will occur regularly during Wave Two of Seminar

Throughout the year we work together on our business and marketing skills. Members must be enrolled or have taken a marketing or accounting class and be 10th grade status or above. Some DECA alumni have earned college scholarships as a result of their work in our chapter.

Advisors: Mr. Burghardt

Location: TBD

Frequency: TBD


Our goal is to have a direct impact on the local environment and raise awareness of the issues regarding the environment in the school and the community.

Interested? Email Jenny George, Addy Russell, Caydence Reed, or Emily Vu to be added to the meeting reminder/update list.

Advisors: Mr. Howell Student Contacts:  Jenny GeorgeAddy RussellCaydence Reed, or Emily Vu

Location: Lower Forum Room

Frequency: Bi-weekly meetings on Wednesday @ 7:15 AM, beginning 9/4/24

Instagram: @caledonia_environmental_club

Help make CHS a safe place for all!

Advisor: Mrs. Ruthven 

Location: Media Center

Frequency: Every other Thursday after school from 3-4:00 PM

The Caledonia Equestrian Team competes as part of the Michigan Interscholastic Horsemanship Association (MIHA) at horse shows each fall. The purpose of this organization is to promote continuous growth in programs fostering horsemanship education, sponsor activities to encourage interscholastic participation and to have cooperative adult-supervised leadership (coaching) for all students in grades 5 through12. Throughout Association leadership and coaching, it is our goal that the student members derive whatever enjoyment and benefits possible as a result of participating as riders in horsemanship education programs and interscholastic competition.

Our team has a long track record of success including State Championships in 2020, 21, 22 and a Reserve (runner-up) State Championship in 2023. We welcome equestrians of all disciplines to join the team, riders need to own or lease a horse to compete. Non-competing members are welcome to join as grooms to support the team on competition days with horse maintenance, grooming, care, and prep. 

Advisors: Kim Frederick

Practices/Meets: Practices have historically been Monday evenings at Foxfield Arabians in Alto and Wednesday evenings at Scales Prairie in Middleville. Subject to change for the 24-25 season based on coach & facility availability. Meets run from late August through mid October.

Sign-Ups: Sign up for the high school team (fall season) will be in July/August.

The Finance, Investment, and Self-Improvement Club (FISI) provides a platform for individuals interested in enhancing their financial knowledge, exploring investment opportunities, and fostering personal growth. It offers a monthly gathering where members can engage in discussions, share insights, and collaborate on strategies for financial success and personal development.

Advisor: Mr. Doran

Location:  Room 1415

Frequency: Meetings are held on the first Wednesday (3:00-4:00 pm) of every month. All are welcome.

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agriscience education.

Advisors: Ms. Robertson & Mr. Scholten

Location: Room 1344

Frequency:  Chapter meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month, typically after school, though times may change depending on schedules. Dates are as follows and subject to change with the school schedule: Oct. 23, Nov. 20, Dec. 18, Jan. 22, Feb. 19, March 19, April 23, May 21.


We are a student led service organization in the Kiwanis family (Builders Club is the middle school equivalent). We are an organization designed to develop initiative and leadership as well as providing experiences in working together to serve Caledonia High School and the Caledonia community. All are welcome to join, as we do a variety of weekly service projects.

Advisor: Mrs. Nawrocki  | General Contact: [email protected]; Remind: Text @k29dd9 to 81010

Location: South Campus Room 1705

Frequency: Every other Wednesday from 2:45-3:45 PM (Member Meetings on the 2nd & 4th; Board Meetings on the 1st & 3rd). 

LEGION is a mentoring program that matches outstanding high school mentors in a 1:1 relationship with boys at the Intermediate school level (Kraft Meadows) to model responsibility, develop strong character, and create a sense of citizenship to others in the school/community. 

Commitment: 2x per month commitment, after school (early release) on Wednesdays. Training and first meeting in mid October, dates to be shared in invite letter. A total of 9 meetings for the year. Please do not commit if you cannot commit to all 9 meetings.

Join: By invite only. Contact Mrs. Green at (616) 891-8649 Ext 2501 or [email protected] if you're interested in receiving an invitation. 

Kelly Green (KMIS)

The Muslim Student Association hopes to create a community for the Muslim students at CHS and give them a place to share their cultures and traditions.

Advisor: Ms. Daniels 

Location: Room 1412

Frequency: First meeting is after school on Wednesday, September 11 (3:00 to 4:00 pm) then we will meet every other Thursday after that

NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Junior & Senior Students with a GPA of 3.5 or above that have completed the application process.  

How to Join: Students may apply to NHS in the Spring of their SOPHOMORE or JUNIOR YEAR, but you can start the process as soon as you enter High School. Visit their website for more info. 

Advisors: Mrs. Kurcz

Location: Lower Forum Room

Frequency: First Friday of the month at 7:15 AM

WEBSITE: CHS National Honor Society Homepage

RISE (Reform, Injustice, Secure, and Equality) is a student orientated club led by our very own CHS students of color and their allies. We want to educate students about the importance of culture, racial/lgbtq+ inequality and discrimination. We want to act as a support group and be able to create a safe space for those who need it. By educating students, we believe that we can provide an inclusive environment in our Community and can prepare students to look at the world with an open mind.

Interested? DM the Instagram account, or email a student contact to be added to the Google Classroom where meeting info and announcements are posted. 

Advisors: Mr. Hoffman Student Contacts: Malia Burke

Location: The STU (Room 2352)

Frequency: Every other Monday after school

Instagram: caledoniawillrise

Students in grades 9-12 are invited to join a Caledonia HS Robotics team. Teams begin meeting in the late summer, and work over the course of 6 months constructing and programming a VEX robot that they’ll compete with against other teams in League and Tournament play.

Advisor: Dan Kurtz

Location: Room 2376 & 2378

Frequency: August-February; meeting times determined by teams (registration occurs in May)

WEBSITE: Caledonia VEX Robotics

Science Olympiad is a competitive science club. Students concentrate on 2 or more science events (either study or build events) and then compete against other schools at tournaments. More information and event descriptions can be found here.

Advisor: Mr. Ursiny

Location: Room 1349

Frequency: Practice will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 2:50 to 4:20 pm

Strike consists of a chamber group that performs classical and contemporary percussion pieces ranging from three to forty percussionists. Additionally, Strike plays steel band and jazz music as well as some Stomp-like selections. Strike also has many Japanese drums and performs some traditional Japanese pieces as well.

Advisor: Mr. Raaymakers

Location: DLMS Band Room

Frequency: Monday evenings

WEBSITE: Strike Percussion Ensemble

Elected members of the Student Government serve the entire student body by sponsoring and organizing activities that range from service projects to semi-formal dances. Members work closely with other student clubs in support of a number of school spirit activities and resources.

FRESHMAN Advisor: Mrs. Bowman

SOPHOMORE Advisor: Mr. Pinder

JUNIOR Advisors: Mrs. Fallot and Mrs. Lockwood

SENIOR Advisors: Mrs. Jonkman & Mrs. Wrubel

The motto of Caledonia Students for Life is “Preparing Students for the Culture of  Life”.  The mission of Caledonia Students for Life is to raise awareness for, educate about, and take action for the pro life movement. 

Advisor: Seeking advisor



Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @chsstudents4life

The Sudoku Club provides a fun, safe space for puzzle-lovers to connect with each other.

Advisor: Mr. Gunnink

Student Contacts: Alivia Neubauer-Keyes & Emily Vu

Location: Room 1342

Frequency: Tuesday mornings before school @ 7:10 am

Student Life Video