Senior Events - Save the Date!
All dates and times are subject to change so check back often for updates and additions.
Senior Survey - Due 4/18
The Senior Survey allows us to collect information regarding your future plans (post-secondary schooling, military, employment), scholarships you've received, CCS involvement, etc. The information will be presented on graduation slides so submitting this information in a timely manner is vital.
Senior Survey Form (due April 18, but open for changes/additions through May 1)
5/12 & 5/13 Senior Exams
Monday, May 12 - Full Day
Student will attend ALL classes as normally scheduled. 4th-6th period exams will be administered during class.
- 1st period (regular class)
- 2nd period (regular class)
- 3rd period (regular class)
- 4th period exam (10:57-12:26)
- 5th period exam (12:32-1:31)
- 6th period exam (1:37-2:36)
Tuesday, May 13 - 1/2 Day
Students will attend 1st-3rd period classes, as normally scheduled, where exams will be administered. After their exams are complete, students will be dismissed to check-out.
- 1st period exam (7:40-8:39)
- 2nd period exam (8:45-9:44)
- 3rd period exam (9:50-10:51)
5/14 Senior Recognition Night
The 2025 Senior Recognition Night will take place on Wednesday, May 14 @ 7:00 PM in CHS's Fine Arts Center.
Invitations: Seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above at the end of the 1st semester will be invited to attend, along with those receiving special awards and scholarships. We will also be honoring graduates who have enlisted in the armed forces at this event. Official invitations will be emailed in early May.
While this is not a ticketed event, due to limited seating we ask that no more than 4 to 5 guests attend per student.
5/15 & 5/19 Senior Walks
The Senior Walk is an invitation to take one last walk with other seniors through the hallways of the CCS elementary school where you began your education. Please wear your cap and gown and report to your elementary school at it's assigned date and time.
Each school is a little different, but typically elementary students line the halls and the students parade through giving high fives, etc. Parents are welcome to attend.
Cal El | Monday, May 19 @ 11:00 AM
Dutton | Thursday, May 15 @ 10:00 AM
Emmons Lake | Monday, May 19 @ 11:00 AM
Kettle Lake | Thursday, May 15 @ 10:00 AM
Paris Ridge | Monday, May 19 @ 2:00 PM
Register: You will have the opportunity to register for the Senior Walk when you complete your Senior Survey.
5/19 Senior Girls Brunch
The Caledonia Women's Club cordially invites Senior Girls and their mother(s) or a special guest to attend the Senior Girls Brunch on Monday, May 19, from 9:00-10:30 AM. The event will be held in the North Cafeteria of the high school.
Guest Speaker: Brittany Barber Garcia, PhD ~ Pediatric Psychologist
CWC Scholarships will be presented at the event. If you applied for a scholarship, you should plan on attending. Business attire is requested. No RSVP required.
Invitations will be distributed with caps & gowns on April 15.
5/20 Senior Breakfast
Students (only) are invited to celebrate with their peers at the Senior Breakfast, to be held at 8:00 AM on May 20 in the North Cafeteria.
Students will go directly to the Senior Assembly following the event.
5/20 Senior Assembly
The Senior Assembly will take place in Caledonia High School's North Gym at 9:00 AM. Students should wear gowns (no caps).
The event normally includes:
- Welcome
- Class Officers Recognition
- Class Address
- Launch U Recognition
- Military Service Recognition
- Perfect Attendance Award
- Principal's Leadership Award
- Athletes of the Year
- Faculty Address
- Class Video
Senior Checklist - Spring 2025
Some of you have asked what steps you should be taking this spring to better prepare you for life after high school. We've put together this comprehensive checklist to assist in the process.
Students can request transcripts through the Xello app that is on their Clever dashboard. Once a student has begun to track a college application in Xello, they have the option to request their transcript be sent to the institution of their choice. Instructions can be found below.
Connect Common App & Xello (+FERPA)
Students use both Common App and Xello to help track their college applications. For colleges that work with Common App, students send requests to educators to send application forms on their behalf. They request a counselor send their counselor forms, and a teacher send a teacher evaluation.
They'll continue to complete the rest of their application tasks directly in Common App, including building out their profile, creating the My Colleges list, and submitting the college application.
Once students have synced their accounts, the colleges they save in Common App will show in Xello. Students will also see all the colleges that use Common App by the logo next to the college name. By clicking on one of these schools, they can begin sending a request to an educator.
Watch this video to see how to connect your Common App to Xello.
Helpful Resources:
AXS Companion - This resource is a guide to walk you through the Common Application (Common App) process.
Cap and Gown Ordering Information - order by 12/1
Senior Portrait Submission - submit by 1/31
Senior Yard Signs - order by 2/23
Senior All-Night Party - due 2/28 (early bird)