ACT WorkKeys
The ACT WorkKeys exam (not to be confused with the ACT) includes work skills assessments in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents.
Students take the test in their Junior Year, being one of the components of the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) administered each spring.
Sample questions and practice tests are available on the ACT website.
Score Reports
Students can view their scores online and print their own National Career Readiness Certificate by creating a free account at
Students will be asked to provide the following:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Month of Birth
- Day of birth
- State Assigned Student ID Number (SASID) - note, the SASID is the same number as the Unique Identification Code (UIC) that is assigned through the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) for each student.
Scores and certificates will be available online indefinitely.
ACT Test Resources
ACT Test Preparation - has a page full of test preparation materials, including study guides, practice for each subject, webinars and more
ACT Support Materials - has support materials available on a wide range of subjects including registration, preparing for test day, using your results and more!