Strategic Plan

We are excited to announce that we are refreshing our strategic plan to guide the work of Caledonia Community Schools over the next several years. This process is designed to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our students, staff, and community. Use this page to stay informed about the progress of our strategic plan, see the milestones we’ve achieved, and engage with the development of a refreshed strategic plan.  

Engagement Opportunities

As a member of the Caledonia Community Schools community, your input is vital in shaping our future. We currently have two engagement opportunities: a community survey and a "Share Your Thoughts" section. Please use the forms below to share your ideas and feedback. Check back often for more ways to participate. Thank you for helping us create strong futures together!

Join us in shaping the future of Caledonia Community Schools. Whether your passion lies in education, community well-being, or how we sustain and organize our district’s resources, your insights are invaluable. We invite you to participate in one or both of our Community Town Halls, where your voice will help guide our district's direction. Your Voice Matters!

Community Town Hall Session #1

  • Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
  • Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM
  • Focus: Teaching & Learning, Whole Child / Whole Community
  • Location: CHS South Learning Commons

Community Town Hall Session #2 

  • Date: Monday, September 30, 2024
  • Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM
  • Focus: Fiscal Sustainability, Organizational Coherence
  • Location: CHS South Learning Commons

Can’t make both? No worries!  Each session stands alone, so join us for the topics that matter most to you.

Town Hall Flyer
Letter to CCS Families

We are incredibly grateful to the over 600 community members who took the time to participate in our strategic plan refresh survey, which was launched in May and closed on June 28th. Your input is invaluable and will play a critical role as we review the feedback and develop new themes to guide our future. Thank you for helping shape the direction of our district!

Strategic Plan Refresh Survey
Strategic Plan Refresh Survey - Letter to Community

Your feedback is important to us! We encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas through the feedback form below. These insights will be shared with our team and used to help shape the future of our schools and community.

Share Your Thoughts Form 

Strategic Plan Timeline Graphic

Key Dates:

2024 - Present

  • Strategic Plan Refresh Launch - May 2024

2019-2024 Strategic Plan

  • Strategic Plan 5th & Final Status Update - May 2024
  • Strategic Plan Annual Board Status Updates - February 2021- February 2023
  • Strategic Plan Goals Implementation Timeline - January 2020
  • Strategic Plan Update Major Initiatives - August 2019
  • Strategic Plan Approved Board of Education - May 2019
  • Process Launch - February 2019

Best organizations set a course, implement, evaluate, adjust, and relaunch. Starting over every five years is not conducive to continuous improvement. Instead, we refine and build upon our existing foundation.

Continuous Improvement Cycle:

  • Set a Course: Define clear, long-term goals.
  • Implement: Execute strategies to meet these goals.
  • Evaluate: Assess the effectiveness of implemented strategies.
  • Adjust: Make necessary modifications based on evaluations.
  • Relaunch: Update and reapply strategies with adjustments.

Continuous Improvement Cycle Graphic

Roadmap to Strategic Refresh

Graphic of Strategic Plan Refresh Roadmap

Phase 1: Set The Stage

  • May - Present: Board of Education
  • May - Feeback: Survey Release Website Launch

Phase 2: Listen & Adapt

  • June- Retreat: Leadership review survey/website themes
  • July - Retreat: Leadership review survey/website themes
  • August - Draft: Draft Strategic Plan Refresh

Phase 3:  Align The Pieces

  • September - Feeback & Adjust: Student, Staff, Community
  • October - Present: New Strategic Plan Refresh

Additional Information

Strategic Plan Vision: 
At Caledonia Community Schools, we are committed to creating strong futures for our students by fostering a supportive and innovative educational environment. Our strategic plan is a roadmap to achieving this vision, built on community input, rigorous analysis, and a commitment to excellence.

Community Involvement: 
We believe that the success of our strategic plan depends on the active participation of our community. Your insights, feedback, and support are invaluable to us. Together, we can build a brighter future for our students and our community.

Contact Us: 
For more information about our strategic plan or to get involved, please contact us at We appreciate your continued support and engagement.

Strategic Plan Presentations & Publications

Explore the detailed updates from our previous strategic plans and see how we have progressed over the years. Click on the links below to view the reports and updates from each year.

2024 - Present:

Strategic Plan Refresh Presentation (Board of Education May Regular Board Meeting)

2019-2024 Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Summary 2019-2024 - 5th Edition
Strategic Plan Summary 2019-2024 - 4th Edition
Strategic Plan Summary 2019-2024 - 3rd Edition
Strategic Plan Summary 2019-2024 - 2nd Edition
Strategic Plan Summary 2019-2024 - 1st Edition