Annual & Transparency Reports
Annual Education Reports (AER) & School Improvement Plans (SIP)
K-8 Math & Reading Goal 2022-2023
K-8 Math & Reading Goal 2021-2022
K-8 Math & Reading Goal Updates 2021-2022
MICIP Summary 2024-2025
MICIP Summary 2023-2024
MICIP Summary 2022-2023
MICIP Summary 2021-2022
DIP 2021-2022
DIP 2019-2020
Annual Education Data Report 2024-2025
Annual Education Data Report 2023-2024
Annual Education Data Report 2022-2023
Annual Education Data Report 2021-2022
98c Mitigating Learning Loss (Updated May 2023)
Elementary Schools
Elementary Schools
Early Childhood CenterECC MICIP Summary 2021-2022
ECC SIP 2019-2020
Caledonia Elementary SchoolCaledonia Elementary AER 2024-2025
Caledonia Elementary AER 2023-2024
Caledonia Elementary AER 2022-2023
Caledonia Elementary MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Caledonia Elementary AER 2021-2022
Dutton Elementary SchoolDutton Elementary AER 2024-2025
Dutton Elementary AER 2023-2024
Dutton Elementary AER 2022-2023
Dutton Elementary MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Dutton Elementary AER 2021-2022
Emmons Lake Elementary SchoolEmmons Lake Elementary AER 2024-2025
Emmons Lake Elementary AER 2023-2024
Emmons Lake Elementary AER 2022-2023
Emmons Lake Elementary MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Emmons Lake Elementary AER 2021-2022
Kettle Lake Elementary SchoolKettle Lake Elementary AER 2024-2025
Kettle Lake Elementary AER 2023-2024
Kettle Lake Elementary AER 2022-2023
Kettle Lake Elementary MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Kettle Lake Elementary AER 2021-2022
Paris Ridge Elementary SchoolParis Ridge Elementary AER 2024-2025
Paris Ridge Elementary AER 2023-2024
Paris Ridge Elementary AER 2022-2023
Paris Ridge Elementary MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Paris Ridge Elementary AER 2021-2022
Secondary Schools
Secondary Schools
Duncan Lake Middle SchoolDuncan Lake AER 2024-2025
Duncan Lake AER 2023-2024
Duncan Lake AER 2022-2023
Duncan Lake MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Duncan Lake AER 2021-2022
Kraft Meadows Intermediate SchoolKraft Meadows AER 2024-2025
Kraft Meadows AER 2023-2024
Kraft Meadows AER 2022-2023
Kraft Meadows MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Kraft Meadows AER 2021-2022
Caledonia High SchoolCaledonia High School AER 2024-2025
Caledonia High School AER 2023-24
Caledonia High School AER 2022-2023
Caledonia High School MICIP Summary 2021-2022
Caledonia High School AER 2021-2022
Budget & Salary/Compensation Transparency Reports
Budget & Compensation Transparency Reports
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Board Approved Budgets
2024-2025 December Amended Budget
2024-2025 Adopted Budget
2023-2024 June Amended Budget
2023-2024 January Amended Budget
2023-2024 Adopted Budget
Prior Fiscal Years Board Approved Budgets
2023-2024 General Fund Budget
2022-2023 General Fund Budget2021-2022 General Fund Budget
2020-2021 General Fund Budget
2019-2020 General Fund Budget
2018-2019 General Fund Budget
2017-2018 General Fund Budget
2016-2017 General Fund Budget
2015-2016 General Fund Budget
Personnel Expenditures
2023-2024 Personnel Expenditures
Operating Expenditures
2023-2024 Operating Expenditures
Debt Service Obligations
Current Bargaining Agreements
Teacher Contract
Caledonia Community Schools Transportation Association
Caledonia Educational Support Group
Caledonia Operations Group
Employer-Sponsored Health Care Plans:
Insurance Plans are specified by group contract.
WMHIP: All Groups Health Plan 100%
WMHIP: All Groups Health 90-10 Plan
WMHIP: All Groups Health Plan HDHP 100%
WMHIP: All Groups Health Plan HDHP 80%
WMHIP: All Groups Dental PlanTeachers/Administrators Vision Plan
Support/Transportation Vision Plan
Medical Benefit Plan Bids
Our district participates with the Western Michigan Health Insurance Pool.
Audited Financial Statements
Procurement Policy
Expense Reimbursement Policy
Current Expense Reimbursement Policy
Accounts Payable Check Register
2023-2024 Accounts Payable Check Register
Employee Compensation Information
Employee Compensation Information
District Paid Association Dues
Caledonia Community Schools pays for membership in one professional organization.2023-2024 District Paid Association Dues
District Paid Lobbying Costs
Caledonia Community Schools did not spend money on any lobbying or lobbying costs.
Approved Deficit Elimination Plan
The Deficit Elimination Plan does not pertain to our district.
District Credit Card Information
District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information
MI School Data Report
Information on our Districts Accountability Scorecard, Academic Performance, Student and Teachers and Finances is viewable at Michigan's Department of Education MI School Data Report
District Notices
Annual Notifications for Parents & Guardians
Each year, Caledonia Community Schools shares important information with families, as required by state and federal law. We provide these annual notifications through our district and building handbooks or the list below.
Parents and guardians can find all related forms in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Each year, families complete required notices, authorizations, and acknowledgment forms through the portal. For more details, check your school’s handbook or log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Sexual Assault/Harassment Information
Family Engagement & Title One Information
Anti-Harassment/Nondiscrimination/Title IX Information
Anti-Harassment/Nondiscrimination/Title IX
Nondiscrimination Compliance Officer (Civil Rights/Title IX)
Assistant Superintendent
8948 Kraft Ave SE
Caledonia, MI 49316
[email protected]
Nondiscrimination Compliance Officer (Civil Rights/Title IX)
Special Programs Director
8948 Kraft Ave SE
Caledonia, MI 49316
[email protected]
At any time, if a student or parent believes that s/he has been subjected to discrimination based upon his/her disability in violation of Section 504 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended ("ADA"), the individual may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights ("OCR"). The OCR can be reached at:
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights - Cleveland Office
Refer to the website for address and contact information.
Except in extraordinary circumstances, the OCR does not review the result of individual placement and other educational decisions, so long as the District complies with the "process" requirements of Subpart D of Section 504.
Prohibition Against Retaliation
The Board will not discriminate against, coerce, intimidate, threaten or interfere with any individual because the person opposed any act or practice made unlawful by Section 504 or the ADA, or because that individual made a charge, testified, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under Section 504 or the ADA, or because that individual exercised, enjoyed, aided or encouraged any other person in the exercise or enjoyment of any right granted or protected by Section 504 or the ADA.
Nondiscrimination Board of Education Policy
Title IX Comprehensive Training
Title IX Investigator Training
Third Grade Reading Law
Third Grade Reading Law
Educator Evaluation Systems Postings & Assurances
Michigan School Districts are required to post a description of the evaluation model used for teachers, administrators and superintendent's. Caledonia Community Schools utilize the Marzano Evaluation Framework for teachers and administrators. For the superintendent evaluation the district uses the MASB Instrument for School Boards.
Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model
Marzano Leader Evaluation Model
Superintendent Evaluation Resources
Wellness Policy - Triennial Assessment Summary
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to update or modify their wellness policy, as appropriate. When wellness committees meet on a regular basis throughout the school year, an assessment plan should be used to ensure progress is being made on the district’s wellness policy and procedures.
District Wellness Policy
Triennial Wellness Assessment (MDE)
Wellness Committee - End of Year Report 23/24
School Safety Required Reporting
School Board Policy 8400 requires our district to collect and keep reports of crime and make them available to the public. All required documentation related to School Safety Required reporting can be found on MiSchoolData for Caledonia Community Schools.
Caledonia Community Schools prioritizes safety by conducting all required drills under MCL 29.19. Records of completed fire, tornado, and lockdown drills are posted below for transparency.
Safety Drill Reports by School:
Duncan Lake Early Childhood Center
Caledonia Elementary School
Dutton Elementary School
Emmons Lake Elementary School
Kettle Lake Elementary School
Paris Ridge Elementary School
Kraft Meadows Intermediate School
Duncan Lake Middle School
Caledonia High School
98c Reporting
98c Learning Loss Plan
October 17, 2022, Board of Education 98c Presentation (Updated 05.12.23)
Pesticide Notification
Annual Notifications to Parents:
The list below contains information on required annual notices.
Pesticide Notification
FOIA Information
Caledonia Community Schools and Michigan's Freedom of Information Act
As a public institution in the state of Michigan, Caledonia Community Schools is subject to provisions of the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Under the FOIA, "all persons, except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities, are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and public employees...." Consequently, any individual other than a federal, state or county prisoner has the right to inspect and/or receive copies of public records maintained by the District.
What is a public record?
The FOIA defines a public record as a "writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a public body in the performance of an official function, from the time it is created."
The law defines a "writing" as "handwriting, typewriting, printing, Photostatting, photographing, photocopying, and every other means of recording, and includes letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combinations thereof, and papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films or prints, microfilm, microfiche, magnetic or punched cards, discs, drums, or other means of recording or retaining meaningful content." E-mail messages are considered public records under the FOIA if they deal with official District business. A person's correspondence requesting information under the FOIA is also considered a public Record. However, the law specifically excludes computer software from the definition of public record.
Please note that the District is not required to make a compilation, summary or report of information, or to create a new public record.
How to file a FOIA request with the District
Assistant Superintendent, Darrell Kingsbury, is the Freedom of Information Coordinator at CCS, and his office is responsible for handling FOIA requests. Written FOIA requests should be sent to the attention of Assistant Superintendent Darrell Kingsbury, Caledonia Community Schools, 8948 Kraft Avenue, Caledonia, MI, 49316. Requests can also be faxed to the office at (616) 891-9253 or e-mailed to [email protected].
The District has prepared a FOIA request form, which is available through Mr. Kingsbury's office and may be used to submit requests. If that form is not used, the following is recommended when making a request:
• Please specify with as much detail as possible the records you wish to inspect and/or receive copies of. For example, if applicable, please include the time period involved and the department where the documents may be located, if you know it.
• Please include your mailing address and daytime phone number, as well as an e-mail address and fax number, if applicable.
Can some records be withheld?
The law recognizes that, in some instances, the public interest may be better served by not disclosing information. FOIA therefore makes certain public records exempt from disclosure, for reasons ranging from matters of privacy to confidential research-related information. One exemption that applies uniquely to schools prohibits CCS from disclosing student records protected under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
At CCS, the decision whether material should be withheld is made by the FOIA Coordinator. The FOIA Coordinator has the authority, delegated by the Superintendent, to deny a FOIA request.
How much time does the District have to respond?
The District has five (5) business days after receiving a written request to respond, although the response period can be extended by the FOIA Coordinator for up to an additional ten (10) business days. Day 1 of the response period is considered to be the next business day following receipt of the written request. Email is considered "received" one business day after it was sent. If, however, the request is electronically transmitted and delivered to a spam or junk mail folder, the request will be deemed received one (1) day after the District becomes aware of it. Sometimes requests involve voluminous documents spread over several departments. In those cases, full compliance with the request may take longer than fifteen (15) business days.
The FOIA Coordinator can either grant a request; deny it in full or in part, citing one or more exemptions; or certify that the requested document(s) doesn't exist.
Fees for providing documents
The District may charge a fee for the search, review, separation of exempt from non-exempt information, copying and mailing of documents. Upon receipt of the request, if a fee is to be assessed, the requester will be provided a detailed itemization of fees that will list and explain the allowable charges that compose the total fee and the District will ask whether he/she wants to proceed. In calculating the cost of labor incurred, the District can charge the hourly wage, plus fringe benefit costs, of the lowest paid employee capable of performing the task. The labor costs are estimated and charged in increments of fifteen (15) minutes, with all partial increments rounded down. If the District does not employ someone capable of determining what information should be released, the district may contract the work to an outside person or organization. In such instances, the requester will be notified of the name of the contracted person/firm on the detailed itemization of fees. The cost of contracted services cannot exceed six times the minimum wage, which currently equals $48.90 per hour.
In addition, the requester may be charged the actual cost of any non-paper physical media (e.g., computer disks, tapes, etc.) or paper requests. The maximum charge per piece of letter/legal sized paper is .10 (10 cents), as well as the actual cost of mailing the request.
If the information that is requested is available online, the District will notify the requester of such, including the specific webpage location where the information can be found. Online availability will be noted separately on the fee summary. If the requester still requests paper copies, he/she may be charged an additional fee and will be notified of the amount in the itemized fee summary.
Upon determination and disclosure of the fee, if the estimate exceeds $50.00, the FOIA enables the District to require a good faith deposit of up to half of the estimate before beginning the search for documents.
The first $20.00 of the fee must be waived for a person who is on welfare or presents facts showing inability to pay because of indigency. Even in such cases, however, the district may still charge a fee if the person has already received discounted copies from the District twice during the calendar year or if the request is made on behalf of an outside party who is offering payment. The first $20.00 of the fee will also be waived for a non-profit organization designated by the State to carry out certain activities related to persons with disabilities.
Can I inspect a public record in person?
Yes, the District will provide "a reasonable opportunity for inspection and examination of its public records, and shall furnish reasonable facilities for making memoranda or abstracts from its public records during the usual business hours" (8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. on business days). However, the District may make reasonable rules to protect its records and to prevent excessive and unreasonable interference with the discharge of its functions. Please note that in some instances where original documents contain exempt information, the exempt material may be removed and copies made for inspection.
Also, please note that there still may be a fee charged for the cost of searching for and reviewing the original records before the requester can examine them.
What recourse do I have if the response is untimely, the fee is excessive or I am denied information?
If the District fails to respond to an appropriately submitted and recognizable FOIA request within the timelines explained above, the labor costs to produce the documents must be reduced by 5% for each day the response is delayed, up to 50% of the total fee.
If the requester believes that the estimated fee for producing public records exceeds the amount permitted, the requester may appeal to the Board of Education. If the Board fails to timely respond or denies that appeal, the requester may file a lawsuit in state court for reduction of the fee within 45 days.
If the request is denied, in whole or in part, then within 180 days of the District's denial, the requester can either submit a written appeal to the Board or file a lawsuit in state court. The Board typically has 10 business days after receipt of an appeal to respond, but in unusual circumstances, the Board may take an additional 10 business days. Failure to respond is considered a final determination to deny a request. If the requester chooses to appeal to the Board, and the Board either denies or fails to timely respond to the appeal, the requester still can file a lawsuit in state court. The District cannot destroy a document once it has been requested. If the FOIA Officer denies the request, the document must be retained for at least 180 days from the date of the denial letter.
FOIA Request Form/Fee Schedule
CCS Board Policy - FOIA
FOIA Written Public Summary
23G Funding
The MI Kids Back on Track grant funds (MCL388.1623g) will support programs provided before school, during school, after school, or during the summer. These funds are designed to address unfinished learning, get students to grade-level academic standards, provide additional academic assistance to students at risk of falling behind their peers, or help high school students prepare for postsecondary education. Caledonia Community Schools has requested funding for programming in the 2024-2025 school year to support students needing additional academic intervention in ELA and/or math. If you believe your student would benefit from additional support, please reach out to your building administrator for more information.
MiTalent Resources Pathfinder
The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Office of Employment and Training has launched Pathfinder, a career exploration and planning tool, to help increase individuals with high-quality, in-demand degrees and credentials by providing information to students to make informed choices about educational and career options. The website link below provides resources that will help students and their families review college information, find financial aid information, get a job, serve their community or country, assess their skills if unsure of their path, and explore opportunities to earn college credit or receive training in high school.
To learn more about the state-provided exploration tools, go to the MiTalent Resources Pathfinder link below.
Coronavirus Reporting
COVID-19 Reporting Requirements
ESSER & 11t Required Reporting
ESSER Spending
ESSER Community Presentation - January 26, 2022
ESSER Community Recording - January 26, 2022
ESSER Spending Transparency Document
Instructional Continuity Plan (ICP)
In the event that Caledonia Community Schools pivoted online during the 2023-2024 school year (Phase 1-3) guidelines had been set up to help students and parents know what they should expect as a recommended time on task. These plans are referred to as Instructional Continuity Plans (ICP). Below you can review these different plans based on the student(s) grade level.
Continuity of Services Plan
Face-to-Face Students - Pivoting Online
ICP 3.0 Distance Learning [Elementary Y5-4]
ICP 3.0 Distance Learning [Intermediate 5-6]
ICP 3.0 Distance Learning [Secondary 7-8]
ICP 3.0 Distance Learning [Secondary 9-12]
Distance Learning Daily Example Schedules
*Synchronous - teacher & student are logged on for real time interactions
*Asynchronous - teacher is available for support in a timely manner, while the student works independently